MK Film DB

MK Film DB (in Polish : Biblioteka Filmow) is a program for cataloguing movies stored at DVD, VHS, CD media or in form of files stored on hard drive. This program has multiple fields in which user can enter freely data grouped in comfortable Graphical User Interface. MK Film DB is also lightweight and fast and easily can be transformed to use from pendrive.

With this software You can :
- create and use many databases in choosen locations,
- search using wide criteria among program database records, search results are presented in intuitive interface,
- enter original title of a movie and localised,
- enter genre of a movie,
- load and save cover of movie box,
- enter starring and staff of any movie,
- enter data about movie (date of production, premiere date, details of : audio codec, video codec, copy protection, picture encoding type, time, versions of lectors and subtitles, aspect ratio, countries of origin, places photographed),
- describe data about owner of a movie copy and details of place where it was bought,
- enter data about revievs of any movie in a table,
- enter Your own score of any movie,
- enter data about persons borrowing and their borrows in a table per each movie,
- enter data about producers and distributors,
- freedom in format of entered data,
- export program database do MS Excell in *.csv format or to any other spread sheet,
- print contents of a program database on printer,

MK Film DB was albo published at CD of PC World Computer magazine in Poland in 2007, where it is known by name "Biblioteka Filmów". It was also published by CHIP computer magazine in Poland in 2008.

MK Film DB (Biblioteka Filmow) is licensed under terms of GNU GPL v. 2 License.

MK Film DB uses Qt 4.8.6 Library under terms of GNU LGPL v. 2.1 License

System requirements :
- Microsoft Windows XP / Vista / 7/ 8 / 10
- any modern PC capable of running OS-es above


Source code